Type of Velocity -Time Graph

Velocity time Graph
Now we will see different types of velocity time Graph. Before we start to discuss ,firstly read this
Hope You done it let start now

when velocity of object is increasing with time

when velocity of object is increasing with time we get a linear graph.
Linear Graph


Time Along x-Axis.
Velocity along Y-Axis.
Graph line is linear and represent the Acceleration.
Area under the Graph Represent Distance covered by object = 1/2 (Base)(height).
Velocity and Acceleration both constant in linear graph.

Graph line Parallel to X-Axis

There are certain cases in which body is moving with Constant velocity. in this case velocity time Graph is parallel to X-Axis

Graph line Parallel to X-axis


Time on X-axis.
Velocity on Y-axis.
Graph line is parallel to time axis and represent the acceleration.
Area under the Graph represent Distance= Base x Height.
Slope of the Graph is zero which means the Acceleration of body is zero.

Graph line is Parallel to Y-Axis

when Velocity of object is increasing but time Remain Constant.  ( This condition is not possible)

Graph line Parallel to y-axis


Time on X-axis.
Velocity on Y-axis.
Graph line is parallel to Velocity  axis and represent the acceleration.
Slope of the Graph is Maximum and goes to infinity .
So Acceleration goes to infinity and distance covered by the object also infinity.
Remember : this type of motion is not possible 

Velocity is changing with time ( Increasing and than decreasing).

irregular Graph


Time on X-axis.
Velocity on Y-axis.
Graph line represent Acceleration and calculating by finding the slope of graph.
we find out that the slope of graph is decreasing means acceleration is decreasing and velocity also decreasing.

when velocity of object goes on decreasing:

velocity is decreasing


Graph line represent the Acceleration. Acceleration is find out by calculating the slope of Graph.
Slope of the Graph is negative.
so Acceleration is negative and velocity is also decreasing.
Area under the graph line represent the Distance covered by the object.


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